

COSMO English Academy 2023を開催

令和5年8月4日(金)COSMO English Academy を開催しました。

午前の部は、”Travel around the world” というテーマで4人の東北大学の留学生と交流をしました。留学生の母国語の挨拶から始まり、Nonverbal communicationを経験し、留学生の国の文化について英語で聞いたり、少人数で話をしたり、最後に日本文化体験として、全員で飾り寿司に挑戦しました。終わってからも話は尽きることなく、お互いに写真を撮っていました。楽しい交流会となったようです。


Here are some comments from an international student and Miyaichi students.


I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to talk with so many talented individuals. From the Japanese culture to their high school life, it was clear that everyone involved went above and beyond to ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience. I can't thank you enough for organizing such an outstanding event. (G)


今回は英語だけではなく、フランス語や中国語でも留学生の方々と交流することが出来て、さらに言語や他国の文化への興味を深めることが出来ました。前回のCOSMO academyの反省を生かし、気になったことは拙い英語ではありますが、積極的に質問するように意識しました。また、英語を学ぶ意欲が高まったのでこれからも頑張りたいと思います。

Today, I was able to interact with international students not only in English, but also in French and Chinese, which further deepened my interest in languages and other cultures. I made use of my reflections from the previous COSMO academy and made a conscious effort to actively ask questions, even though my English was poor. I also became more motivated to learn English and will continue to do my best.



I had never had English conversations for such a long time before, so it was very new to me. I was really happy to be able to use my knowledge and speak in English. However, I still had a lot of things I didn't understand and couldn't say what I wanted to say, so I will continue learning English.



