



・I was glad to talk with foreign people, and I learned two things from this activity. First, I shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes. Second, it’s important to talk to foreigners actively. I realized that my English skill is still not good. So I want to study English harder to be a good English speaker. If there is another opportunity, I’d love to take part in it. Thank you very much. (1年)


・I really enjoyed the time. Educational differences between Japan and Taiwan I’ve never noticed showed me my general knowledge is not always standard. It was good experience for me.(2年)

・I was over the moon to meet exchange students and discuss similarities and differences in education among Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong. It was astonishing to learn English from the first grade in elementary school in Taiwan. Additionally, I was delighted to introduce our school. Time was limited though. My English wasn’t completely good yet, so I will learn English harder and harder. Also, I will research their counties and talk more next time.(2年)

・It was the first cross-cultural exchange since our school excursion. Although I sometimes had difficulty expressing myself in English, I was able to deepen my understanding of each other's school systems and cultures with the graduate students of National Chengchi University in Taiwan and the students of Tsinghua University in China. I am planning to go on to a university in Taiwan, so this was a great opportunity for me to get to know the local students. I hope to be able to communicate with them in Chinese soon.(修学旅行ぶりの異文化交流でした。英語がなかなか出てこず大変な場面も多かったですが、台灣政治大學の院生と中国清華大学の学生とお互いの学校や文化などについて理解を深めることができました。私は台灣の大学に進学するつもりなので、現地の学生と関わるとてもいい機会となりました。早く中国語で意思疎通ができるようになりたいです。)(3年)